Did Your Grandma Know Natural Remedies for Constipation?

Have you ever wondered how Cro Magnon people survived without television and its endless stream of commercials for prescription medicines to treat constipation? Did your grandma know more about natural remedies for constipation than your doctor's pin-striped drug rep? Irregularity can be downright uncomfortable but over the counter and prescription medications for the problem can make things worse. Finding natural remedies for constipation would be much better for you and your intestines. There are a few things you can do to get things back in order. These natural remedies for constipation won’t make you run to the bathroom every ten minutes, either.

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The first suggestion is: drink more water. When you are dehydrated you may become constipated. Water is a natural cure for constipation that is commonly overlooked. The next time you are irregular try drinking a lot of water. You may be feeling back to normal within hours.

Exercise is another constipation remedy that is commonly overlooked. When your body does not get enough exercise things stop working properly, including your digestive system. Lots of exercise and plenty of water are great natural remedies for constipation that are available at no cost.

Other things that can help include prunes and potassium. Potassium helps to strengthen the walls of the colon. This helps the organ function properly. If you do not get enough potassium in your diet the colon walls become weak, making things move slower. The drawback to using extra potassium in your diet to regulate yourself is that it may take quite a while for the element to take effect.

Just about everyone knows that prunes are natural remedies for constipation that have been used for generations. Prunes give pretty fast relief to the condition but you may get a little gassy if you overdo it. These natural remedies for constipation contain potassium as well, which will help your colon function properly in the long run.

Another remedy for constipation is cayenne pepper. This home remedy aids in digestion. The convenience of using cayenne pepper is that it can be added to nearly every meal within reason. Not found of spicy foods? Then consider cayenne pepper in pill form. You can find this spicy home remedy in capsules differing in strengths so you can determine how much you take per dose. Just take the supplement after each meal and feel its warming effects.

Many pregnant women seek different types of natural remedies for constipation. Doctors warn pregnant women and women who are nursing to avoid taking cayenne pepper supplements. Water, exercise, prunes and potassium are better natural remedies for pregnant women. You can find more information about constipation during pregnancy at Americanpregnancy.org.

So, before you get sucked in by all the television hype for constipation pharmaceuticals, try these natural remedies for constipation. You may feel better and richer, too!
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